Woman Of Wolves
Rainbow Alchemy: The art of transmuting grief into joy through play
Workshops run by Sabrina Stanley to help adults access their inner child and reprogram subconscious beliefs through play.
Rainbow Alchemy workshops are designed to get us out of our comfort zones in small, manageable ways as to not overwhelm the nervous system.
These workshops are based in love and focused on getting people out of their heads and into their hearts through mindful movements, partner exercises, self-expression and reflection through journaling and doodling, and finishing each class with group discussion and expressions of gratitude.
These classes are meant to nourish the mind, body, and spirit in unique and playful ways with a sense of safety and community.
No one is forced to do anything and if any activity feels out of alignment, there is no shame in not participating in certain activities.
There is value in observation as well as participation.
These workshops are designed to be beneficial for all and to allow everyone space to take baby steps into self-regulation.
This is all about working our way up our autonomic ladders to get closer to a parasympathetic state, so that we can feel safe and secure within our bodies, so a sense of “home” can be with us wherever we go.
These workshops are meant to help loosen up our bodies and remind us of all the magic we have within us. Between ages 2-7, we are in our theta brainwaves which program subconscious beliefs. Between ages 7-12 we are in our alpha brainwaves which allow us to access creativity and flow states.
These creative and innovative workshops are designed to help us reprogram our brains and bodies, so we can allow more joy and ease into our lives.
Collectively and individually, we have all experienced trauma in one way or many. The birthing process itself is traumatic. We go from living in water to gasping for breath in dry air, so we all have trauma and that trauma gets stored in our body.
We are then born into a world full of false programs and illusions which we learn to adhere to, but it’s often out of alignment with nature and out of alignment with the natural ways of being.
Since time is an illusion, what if, by creating more joy and allowing ourselves to access flow more often, we could create space to more easily access our intuition and in the process reprogram false beliefs by finding what is true to our individual soul blueprints through play?
Rainbow Alchemy Workshops: $30
Approximately 90 minutes
15 minutes of gentle, mindful movements with music
All movements are designed to be safe and inclusive for all body types. Nothing is too strenuous. This is just a way to loosen up after living in such a rigid and perfectionistic world. The idea is to ground and embody a state of fluidity.
10 minutes of partner mirror exercises to practice empathy
15 minutes of doodling to access meditative flow states and process through mental blocks.
10 -15 minute improvisational dance party and/or line dancing
Line dancing provides structure and repetition. Moving side to side in repetitive patterns can reprogram the brain and help us process through emotional blocks
15 minutes of journaling with or without prompts
Prompts will be provided for those who need some direction and for those who just want to reflect and free-flow journal, that’s great too. Whatever feels best IS best!
20 minutes of group discussion and sharing.
We will go in a circle to share anything anyone wants to share. There is NO pressure to share and there is no shame in skipping to the next person. Share as much or as little as you feel safe to.
*Each Rainbow Alchemy Workshop will end with three expressions of gratitude* Yoga Mats, Journals, Pencils, and little sketch pads will be available if needed. Participants are encouraged to bring their own materials if they have them.
Please also bring water bottles and feel free to bring your own music and headphones if you’d prefer your own tunes over mine!