It is important to be very clear that Reiki and wellness coaching are NOT replacements for medical care, psychotherapy, or professional counseling. Practitioners at Highly Mystical Creations LLC do not diagnose conditions, perform medical treatments, prescribe substances, or interfere with any treatment from a licensed medical professional.
Please fill out the liability waiver form and e-sign prior to your appointment or event. Feel free to reach out to Hope with any questions, concerns, or hesitations.
I fully understand that Highly Mystical Creations LLC is offering a variety of modalities including but not limited to: Reiki, meditation instruction, intuitive guidance, energy healing, spiritual mentorship, wellness coaching, mindfulness coaching, affirmation guidance, chakra healing, journal prompting, yoga instruction, vision boarding, self-love guidance, and more. None of the services provided here are a substitute for medical treatment, psychological diagnosis and treatment. Highly Mystical Creations LLC does not diagnose conditions, perform medical treatment, prescribe substances or interfere with any treatment from a licensed medical professional.
By reading & e-signing this agreement, I acknowledge that I understand and agree to the following:
- I am at least 18 years of age, mentally competent and requested the service of the practitioner. If under 18, the client must be minimum age of 16 and accompanied by a parent or guardian.
- I understand that all modalities, treatments and readings will not be used to replace conventional medical practices, diagnosis, treatment and psychological or professional counseling, therapy or treatment. I will inform my healthcare provider of any changes or concerns in my medical condition.
- All information shared during the session is not considered confidential unless expressly stated. All information received by the practioner is their complete responsibility. Some of our practioners like to share stories as examples & testimonials of their skills. Please notify the practioner for confidentiality.
- I am seeking services of my own free will to inspire my own transformation. I understand that any information received during a session may invoke memories that might be difficult for me to receive.
- I also understand that energy work may temporarily affect certain body functions as a result of shifting energy within my body. I agree this is a natural occurrence.
- I consent to services provided.
- I am responsible for all liability, for loss or injury incurred while in association with Highly Mystical Creations LLC, while I am receiving any and all services. I understand I am also an intuitive being, and if I feel uncomfortable with a practitioner, I can simply change my mind, and cancel the session (in accordance with practitioners cancellation policy) and reschedule with another practitioner.
- On behalf of myself, my heirs, guardians and legal representatives I herby release, waive, discharge and relinquish any claims that may arise against practitioners and volunteers and Highly Mystical Creations LLC as a result of my voluntary participation in this session.
- I am aware this is a waiver and a release of potential liability between myself and Highly Mystical Creations LLC. I have carefully read this agreement and fully understand this contract is binding and acknowledge I am participating in this service and agreement of my own free will. In the event that any of the above provisions shall be found unenforceable, this shall not make this waiver void, and that any other provisions shall remain in full force and effect, even if one of the provisions is found to be unenforceable.
I have read and agree to the Consent to Treat and Waiver Release and Assumption of Risk clauses.